
I am a figurative painter. Using both traditional materials such as oil on canvas, as well as mixed media such as collage, image transfer and stencils, I create depth and history in the surface of my paintings. A combination of paint layers, botanical elements, text, and realistic drawing allows me to push the figure into the surrounding space.

The art making process prompts me to see the humanity of every person I paint. I often present a solitary figure rather than a group. While multiple figures interact with each other, the single figure interacts with me as the artist and, later, with the viewer. Making and viewing the art becomes a way to spend time with the person, as if we exist together in another reality. While the materials and methods I use vary, resulting in multiple bodies of work, the underlying theme of all the work is to reflect how we view each other in modern times.

— Laura Raborn

Childhood Escape
2017 & 2020
Oil on canvas
36 x 24"